
IguanaTweaks Reborn + Expanded aims to remake and expand the survival aspect of Minecraft, whilst also keeping the sandbox aspect.

Advancements and Recipes

If installed, Expanded adds advancements that guide you through your survival world. Recipes are also unlocked properly. No need for JEI or even this website.

Modules and Features

The whole mod is split into Modules, each Module is split in highly configurable Features. Each Module / Feature can be disabled individually.

Required and recommended mods

These are the required mods to make IguanaTweaks Reborn work:

  • InsaneLib
  • Max Health Fix
These are the required mods to make IguanaTweaks Expanded work:
  • IguanaTweaks Reborn
  • Enhanced AI
  • Serene Seasons
These, instead, are recommended mods that have integration with ITE:
  • EMI (the recipe book is a pain)
  • Autumnity
  • Berry Good
  • Time Control (for Serene Seasons)
  • Mobs Properties Randomness & Pehkui
  • Passable Foliage
  • Tool Belt

Survival Reimagined

To play the full experience that these mods have been made for, check out Survival Reimagined


Survival reimagined is highly configurable, from the .toml file, to JSONs to Tags.
Check Tags and Json Configs.

Mod Integration